Friday, May 21, 2010

{this moment}


{this moment} - A Friday ritual inspired by Amanda, aka Soule Mama. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
In gratitude this week for:
  • A garden that is starting to grow
  • Sunshine and warm weather
  • My children's laughter
  • Meals shared with friends

Wishing you all a glorious weekend.


  1. Making pancakes in pjs is a great moment for sure! :)

  2. love this pajama-clad little helper. this looks like such a sweet moment.

  3. love the cross-legged concentration.

  4. My boys love to cook as well and we have had many precious moments doing it. I love your photos.

  5. Gotta love little helpers in the kitchen. And the pancakes look divine!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit! I look forward to your thoughts.