Jolanthe over at Homeschool Creations had a giveaway last week for an ENTIRE year of Itty-Bitty Bookworm's Bo Curriculum (3-5 year olds). A quick look at the literature based preschool curriculum and I knew Rebekah would love it and for mom a lot of the prep work was done. A perfect match. So of course I entered. And you will never guess but . . . WE WON!!! The girls all thought I had lost my mind as I did the happy dance in the kitchen this morning.
When I signed up for the Itty-Bitty Bookworm newsletter they sent the April Curriculum as a thank you. The first book in the Baily Curriculum (18-36months) for April is Jessie Bear, What Will You Wear. It is one of my favorite children's books. Rebekah enjoyed the book and the activities that went along with it. Above she colors the clothes for her Jessie Bear paper doll. She kept asking for more. It was music to this Mama's ears. And now we will have more.
Thanks again to Jolanthe and The Itty-Bitty Bookworm.
I saw you won yesterday morning and did a happy dance too! It's funndy we just read "Jesse Bear" yesterday, a super cute book. Congrats!!!