Thursday, March 19, 2009

Maple Sugaring!

Spring is almost here and that means it's maple sugaring time. The days are warm and the nights are still cold~perfect for sap collection. The girls were excited to head out with dad to tap the sugar maples in the yard.

They tapped four trees and already the sap is flowing. The girls are collecting sap morning, noon, and night. It takes a LOT of sap to make maple syrup. 10 gallons of sap boil down to a quart of maple syrup. But boy is it worth it.

If you look closely at this picture you can see the drop of sap falling. There is about an inch of sap in the bucket here. We already have about 3 gallons of sap. We collected that in one day. So hopefully by the weekend we will have more than 10 gallons. We plan to boil the sap over the weekend. This is another long and sticky project. We'll be doing it outside with everyone taking turns.
And of course we will be having pancakes with maple syrup on Sunday!

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