Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Get Out and Ride

Hannah needed a new bike helmet this year so we headed off to Walmart. Well, wouldn't you know it while we were looking at helmets for Hannah, Rebekah found a two wheeler just her size. She gave it a try in the store and really couldn't peddle it at all. She kept pushing backwards which applied the break. Well daddy is a softy and thought she needed the bike (I agreed) and so we came home with a helmet for Hannah and a new bike and helmet for Rebekah.

That was six days ago. Since then we have had snow and rain and a day of travel. Rebekah has only been able to ride her new bike in the kitchen for a total of about seven feet. So it was hard to see if she was really getting it or not.

Today we woke up to sun and spring temps in the 60's. So after lunch we headed outside with the new bike. She was so excited. You can just see her smile peeking out.

She was trying so hard to keep up with her big sister.

Finally she realized that her pace was just perfect for her. She rode all by herself for over an hour. Up and down the road in front of the house. She was so proud of herself, and I was proud of her.

I see a summer full of family bike rides. I can hardly wait.

Head on over to 5 Orange Potatoes who is sponsoring The Great Outdoor Challenge to see how others are getting outside with their families.


  1. My daughter has outgrown her little bike like that so we need to find a bigger one soon. Found you via the Great Outdoor Challenge.

  2. Way to go, Rebekah! She is so adorable riding her little bicycyle.

  3. aww. i cant wait till my littlest can ride alongside his big bro

  4. It looks like a beautiful day : )

  5. Great job Bekah!! The new bike is so cute and the helmets too!


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