These socks were such a fun project. I have never knit children's socks before. Boy was that silly of me. They are so quick and easy. This pair knit up in two day! The intention was to have them done in time for Boo's birthday in January, I really thought it might take me that long. Well Boo is very particular about how her socks fit so I had to try them on her as I was knitting and now they are hers, way before her birthday I might add. She loves them but wants a GREEN pair. These are green you say - so did I, to which I was told in such a serious voice "don't you see the yellow, red and blue mom? I want PLAIN GREEN. So guess what I will be knitting for her birthday.

Here is a stash of sage green yarn to make Boo her birthday socks and a Pebble Vest to go with it. I found a toddler size version of the vest on Ravlery that is knit in the round with no buttons. Right up my ally. Now to find a cute dress pattern and fabric . . .
Pretty green! I got a nice pile in a similar shade under the tree too!