The main and only full bathroom is next on the project list. It has been a room we have been thinking about tackling for a while now. Unfortunately, it is not an easy room to deal with. As you can see, it is on the small side, especially for a family of five. We have been trying to figure out how to create more storage space for personal toiletries as well as toilet paper, tissues and cleaning supplies.
Work begins stripping paint off the solid panel doors. The paint is coming off easier than we expected. The doors underneath a beautiful. We plan to do the other door up stairs soon.
Doug has been working on the drywall, repairing the hole he cut for the built in shelf that didn't work out, as well as the holes from the old towel bars and some other minor bumps and bruises. Hopefully the last coat of that is dry and we are ready to start painting later tonight.
Hopefully part two of this bathroom redo wont be too long coming. I so dislike projects that seem to linger on and on.
Yay! I love remodeling projects, I can't wait to see it!!