Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hey la, hey la, my Girls are back!

We've been raising laying hens since the spring of 2009 and have LOVED fresh eggs. Oh the joy of heading to the coop first thing in the morning to collect the eggs, knowing that in only minutes they would become a delicious and nourishing breakfast for my family. So you can imagine the disappointment and frustration when my lovely girls began to molt and their eggs were no where to be found.

It has been months and not a single egg. Then there was an occasional egg. One egg was wonderful but not enough for our family by a long shot. Now imagine my joy when there were six, yes six lovely, fresh, delicious eggs from my girls. That was a few days ago and now there are eight eggs a day. Oh the joy. The poached eggs, the fried eggs, the omelettes, the quiches and frittatas!

Our simple coop my wonderful husband designed and built. Crazy as it sounds I love the anticipation as I walk out in the morning - what will my darling girls have for my this morning?

EGGS! Beautiful, delicious, nutritious eggs.

Can I tell you - My Girls are back! Hey la, hey la, My Girls are back!


  1. I know the feeling. My girls are laying pretty good but when it's cold they get grumpy. I have been giving them lots of treats in the winter to keep them happy. lol

  2. I share your joy...Sadly, my chickens quit a month ago...too dark...we need to light their shed.

  3. Our hens are a bit quiet at the moment, I also love it when they are back in business again. cheers Marie


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