In gratitude this week for:
*A birthday girl - WOW 14 I can't believe it
*A family trip to the Drive-In
*More wild blueberries
*End of the heat wave
Wishing you all a glorious weekend!
Home is where my heart is! Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman for my God, my husband, and my children.
In gratitude this week for:
*A birthday girl - WOW 14 I can't believe it
*A family trip to the Drive-In
*More wild blueberries
*End of the heat wave
Wishing you all a glorious weekend!
My first little project is this cute little rabbit finger puppet. The pattern is by the incredibly talented Linda over at Natural Suburbia. My little one just loves it. I am hoping to knit up an entire family of little rabbits. And I may even try my hand at a few other animals. Using these little puppets to tell stories during her circle time come fall will be a special treat. She is so excited to have her own "school" time. At four it really isn't going to be school, but more of a Waldorf early kindergarten year. (more on that later)
It's hard to believe the year is half over. And that means it is time to start thinking about Christmas gifts, especially the ones I plan on making. This scarf is one such gift. It is the Kudo Wave Scarf . The pattern is quick and simple. this is the second one I've knit and I still love the pattern.
This yarn just arrived in the mail this week. Hopefully it will become a purple version of Seamless Blue for Bekah for Christmas. My only concern is I have to increase the size on the pattern. Wish me luck. I'm still not really comfortable adjust patterns too much.
As for reading, most of it has been related to the soon approaching school year. I have most of my ducks in a row, just a little tweaking. We have a lot planned for this year. Lots of new! Lots of fun! I can't wait to get started even if the girls are trying to squeak every drop out of summer. Hopefully I have some school items to share soon.
So what are you knitting and reading? I'm always so inspired by the weekly yarn along. My project and reading list just keep growing. So I'm off to check out some of the other yarn along participants. I highly recommend you visit some of them too.
In gratitude this week for:
Wishing all of you a glorious weekend!
Well I finished the knitting and sewing up of my Duffers. All that is left is to felt them. Unfortunately, I have a front loader and felting just really doesn't go well in it. So I am waiting until I visit a friend you kindly offered to let me use her top loading washer. My fingers are crossed that they will fit after felting. If so I will be making a bunch of these. All the girls thought they were really great. I can see Christmas gifts on the horizon. And in case you were wondering about the two different colors, I didn't have enough of the original teal to make the second slipper. (I was trying to use up stashed yarn, in case this project was a total disaster I didn't want a lot of money tied up in it). Anyway, I think the teal and green go well, and I am planning on embellishing each with the opposite color to make more of a pair. And of course they are slippers that no one will really see except my family. And they already know that mama's a little off. The mis-matched actually fits me quite well I think.
As for reading, the above mentioned friend lent me her copy of Wild Fermentation. I just finished my last read and am now ready to dive into this one. Hoping to learn lots and give some of the recipes a try. I would love some fermented dill pickles and sauerkraut. Putting up summer food to have through the winter months is always a lot of work. However, there is nothing like a pantry full of summer goodness when the temps fall way below freezing.
So what are knitting and reading? I love visiting the other participants of Ginny's Yarn Along. I'm always so inspired. And of course my reading list is WAY to long. If you are visiting from the Yarn Along thanks for stopping by. And for those of you who cam another route, if you are knitters or readers you really should stop by the Yarn Along. You wont be sorry.
In gratitude this week for:
~Days at the river with friends
~Cook outs and camp fires
~Decluttering, organizing, and cleaning a bit
~Happy girls in their "new" bedrooms. Amazing what a little furniture reorganization can do
Wishing all of you a glorious weekend!
I'm a slipper kind of gal. I rarely go barefoot and I hate wearing out socks. So slippers are just the thing for a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom. I have been wanting to knit and felt some slippers for myself for a while now, but most of the patterns I came across were just a little beyond my understanding or cost a little more than I wanted to spend. so when I came across this post over at Mousy Brown's House I knew I had to give these a try. I mean 19 rows per slipper. I knew I could do that. And if your on Ravelry you really need to check out all the Duffers out there. Some of them are just too cute for words. At this point I'm just hoping mine fit after the felting. If they do, I may end up with slippers in all the colors of the rainbow. Or lots of people on my Christmas list may be getting Duffers of their own.
As for reading I'm back to Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne. I started it a while ago, but it was a little to heavy and the library due date came before I finished. Well, over the last few months the idea of simplifying my children's lives has been nagging at me, especially as I began to prepare for the new school year. Then I was lucky enough to hear Donna Ashton's introduction to her Simplicity Parenting seminar. My interest in the book was peaked again. So with a great deal at Borders I now own a copy. And it must be karma because one our local library's is offering two free seminars on the book in the up coming weeks. I guess I should listen, read the book and simplify. I'll let you know how it goes.
With the few that remained Bekah and I made these peach pie popsicles. We added a dash of nutmeg. We'll have to let you know how they turn out. They are still in the freezer. Hopefully Bekah will forget and stop asking if they are ready every five minute.
In gratitude this week for:
~the first black raspberries
~a day at the river with friends
~drains that actually drain quickly and in the right place
~the gift of a new bed for one of the girls.
Wishing you all a blessed weekend.
How good it has to get the knitting needles back out! I cast on this simple shawl last week and it has been such a joy to work on. A simple pattern that truly requites no thought, it has been the perfect summer project. It has accompanied us to the fireworks, the playground, picnics and BBQs, and quiet evenings on the front porch watching the girls play. I can see myself knitting a few more of these for gifts in the future.
As for reading, I just received a copy of Shannon Honeybloom's Making a Family Home. It is a quick read with lovely photos. She walks the reading through each room/area of your home discussing purpose and function. How to make space meet all the family members needs.
So what are you knitting and reading? It is so inspiring to see what others are working on.
In gratitude this week for:
Wishing you all a glourious weekend!