Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Vanilla Pears - Canned!

We love pears! We love vanilla! So when I stumbled across this recipe I just knew we had to try it. I had never canned pears before, but really how hard could it be, especially when I had three awesome helpers. Rebekah washed and handed me the pears. I pealed, cored, and cut. Sarah cooked. Hannah put lids and rings on the full jars and was in charge of all the timing.

The pears were cooked for a few minutes in a light syrup flavored with whole vanilla beans. I had never used vanilla beans. Boy did it smell divine.

Here are the finished jars. Aren't they beautiful? And of course they are more healthy and frugal than their store bought variety.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! These look so good, I can't wait to visit for some samples, ha, ha!!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit! I look forward to your thoughts.