Monday, May 31, 2010
Menu Plan ~ Week of May 31st

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sundress Sewing
The weather has been just beautiful! Summer is here and early for New Hampshire, but I'm not complaining. And what is summer without a new sundress? So finding inspiration here and here, this simple sundress for Bekah was born. I had never sewn with elastic thread, and the first attempt was pretty much a failure. But I was determined to get this little dress made. After a little playing around and winding the bobbin tighter I got the look I was going for.
Friday, May 28, 2010
{this moment}

In gratitude this week for:
- Homeschool friends and field trips
- Summer weather in May
- A garden to work and that will provide
- A daughter who is growing into such a beautiful young woman, both inside and out
Wishing all of you a glorious weekend!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Potato Planting
We planted both reds and kennebec varieties. I hope that we all we have learned and some good weather we have a good yeild this year. Last year's potato crop was small but delicious. And the potatoes kept really well in our cool pantry. I would love to be able to grow enough potatoes to last us through the year. Of course, I would have to have my darling husband build me a root cellar to store them in. And that is a whole other post.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wash Wednesday and WIP
And of course there are all the towels from a jump in the pool and a dash through the sprinkler. The girls love when there are lot of towels and blankets on the line. Then they can lie on the hamock tucked in a cacoon of sweet smelling laundry. It is the perfect place to hide from a little sister and read a book.
Ah the lazy days of summer.
Wash Wednesday is a photo challenge over at the wonderful blog Garden Mama.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Simple Woman's Day Book

FOR TODAY ~ Tuesday, May 25th
Outside my window...The sun is shinning and the birds are busy at the feeder and the chickens are pecking in the grass.
I am thinking... Being a wife, a mother, and a homemaker. It saddens me to see how these rolls are being pushed aside for something "bigger", something "better". When really is there anything truly bigger or better than being a wife and a mother? I find so much joy in taking care of my family, feeding them, keeping a home for them. I can't imagine doing anything else. It truly is an honor.
I am thankful for... My beautiful family, our wonderful friends, and the gorgeous place we live.
From the learning rooms... Ordering our end of year tests, as we have decided to take that route this year. Finishing up math with Sarah. The last book club for Sarah. Selecting a new family read-a-loud.
From the kitchen... Tortillas with the "new" press, oatmeal~wheat bread, coffee cake, and pineapple pie. And on the dairy list - finish the kifer, yogurt, and mozzarella. And I am going to try my hand at kombucha.
I am wearing... My favorite white blouse, my long denim skirt, and my "new" floral apron, my uniform of sorts.
I am creating...I just finished the square for A Blanket of Love, I cried and prayed for this little boy and his father. I've cast on Sarah's sweater, but haven't gotten very far yet. I also have some bread bags and a laundry apron in the works.
I am going... The the ocean later this week. We have a homeschool field trip with the coast guard leading a tour of two light houses. The girls and I can't wait. I love the ocean.
I am reading... or thumbing through would be a better way of putting it: A stack of Mary Jane Farm magazines that a friend lent me.
I am hoping... To get the rest of the garden planted and that we wont have a frost. The peas, spinach, onions, and broccoli look good so far.
I am hearing...Nothing but the songs of the birds outside and the rhythmic breathing of my little one still asleep. Beautiful, peaceful quiet!
Around the house...A good mopping of the kitchen floor and scrub of the tub and then its outside. The wood shed needs a good hauling out.
One of my favorite things... Lemonade! I seemed to have forgotten how delightful a tall cold glass of lemonade is on a hot day. The pantry is full of bottles of organic lemonade I pick up for a song last week, but now I am thinking we may need to make some homemade.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Bike ride with the girls, Sew, Knit, Cook, Garden and Read!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
My City girl wasn't sure what to make of this snake that just wanted a kiss.
Join in the fun of the Simple Woman's Day Book here.
Monday, May 24, 2010
A Trip to the Dump Has its Rewards
Hauling trash and recyclables to the dump is not one of my favorite chores. But alas it needs to be done and on a regular basis. Getting to stop at the dump store is one of the way s I motivate myself to go. The dump store is a large garage at the dump where you can drop off items that you don't want but aren't really trash. And of course you can take items (treasures) that you find. Over the years I have come home with some great finds. But today I hit the mother load.
- Melissa & Doug Magnetic Calendar Set (retail $19.99)
- Melissa & Doug Cake Set ($19.99)
- Melissa & Doug Sandwich Set ($19.99)
- Melissa & Doug Pizza Set ($19.99)
- Wooden Teaching Clock
- Pampered Chef Bread Flower Tube ($6.50)
- Tortilla Press ($17.99)
- April Cornell Apron ($29.00)
- Corning Ware Cornflower Blue 1 3/4 Quart Covered Casserole (Vintage selling for $30.00 on line)
Everything was in like new condition. Rebekah loves the Melissa & Doug kitchen sets and all the pieces are here except for the number 9 for the calendar, but that is an easy fix. I couldn't find the clock on line, but it is really nice and much better than the little plastic one I used with the older girls. We once borrowed a Pampered Chef bread tube to make finger sandwiches for a little girls tea. They were a huge success and so much fun. Now we can make some fun tea sandwiches again. I have been wanting a tortilla press for a while and actually have to make tortillas tomorrow. Can't wait to see how it works. A "new" apron is always a treasure, they are part of my daily "uniform". And a vintage casserole dish, I just had to have it.
Some days it pays to do your chores!
A Dream Come True
I can only imagine what Hannah was feeling as she and her instructor, Rose, walked up the hill to bring down the horse Hannah would ride for her lesson.
Hannah was thrilled with her horse, Moon. She loves painted horses. And leading Moon down to the barn was a grat way to start her lesson.
Horse and rider are ready to go.
Starting slow was OK for everyone. It has been over a year since Hannah has ridden, so I think she was even glad to get her bearings back.
However, it wasn't long before she was on her own and doing great! She was so serious. I don't think she smiled the entire time she was on Moon. I was beginning to worry that maybe she wasn't having as much fun as she had hoped.
Not to worry. She told me on the way home that she was just concentrating and that horse riding is serious stuff. Fine by me. As long as she is having fun while being serious. She is not the serious child in the house.
All done for today. An hour of riding is over already? Not to worry the lesson's not over yet. There is still work to be done.
Rebekah got in on the action brushing Moon. She is convinced that Papa is going to bring her home a real horse. Yes, we have another horse lover. I think we may in for some pony rides this summer.
Menu Plan ~ Week of May 24th

Need more menu inspiration? Stop by I'm an Organizing Junkie for hundereds of menu plans and ideas.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
A Chance to Knit Some Love

I already have the yarn and pattern for my square picked out. Hopefully I will be able to start on it this evening. There is still time if you would like to join in and help create this wonderful blanket of love.
You can find out more about this project, as well as, Kelley and her family at The Wellness Tree.
Friday, May 21, 2010
{this moment}
{this moment} - A Friday ritual inspired by Amanda, aka Soule Mama. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
- A garden that is starting to grow
- Sunshine and warm weather
- My children's laughter
- Meals shared with friends
Wishing you all a glorious weekend.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
$10.00 Challenge
And if you live near a Shaw's Hellmann's Mayo is on sale for $2.49 starting tomorrow. Pair that with this $.75 coupon that doubles and you get your mayo for $.99. And that's a good deal.
How is your grocery shopping / budget this month. I would love to hear about your great deals or any tips you may have.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wash Wednesday
Hanging laundry is one of my favorite tasks. It is a peaceful time of meditation. I often find myself reliving moments of the past ~ inspired by the article I'm hanging. Silly bath time splashing as I hang a towel. Morning snuggles as the sheets get hung. Family meal times relived through cloth napkins, aprons and dish towels.
The laundry line is always changing. Cloth diapers come and go. Favorite colors change. Every ones clothes seem to grow and at times shrink as the years march on. No longer to I have all those tiny white socks and t-shirts blowing in the breeze. Now my line is full of the unique and vibrant personalities that fill our house. I love the time I spend with my laundry line. Reflecting on all that I am blessed with. And to think I would have missed it all if I had thrown the wash into the dryer and pushed a button.
Thanks to Garden Mama for sponsoring Wash Wednesday.
Needle Book - A Tutorial
Follow the directions on the fusible interfacing and iron it to the wrong side of the piece of fabric that is to be the front of your needle book.
Next, fold the pocket piece in half and iron. The pieces should now measure 2.5"x7".
Next you will pin the layers together. Start with the piece that is to be the inside face up. Next place the folded pocket piece lining up the open edges along the bottom of the first piece. Then lay the one inch strip of felt halfway up the right hand side with the edges flush. It should line up closely with the height of the pocket. Place the front fabric on top with the interfacing facing up. Pin all the layers in place and then using a 1/2 seam stitch around leaving a two inch gap to turn it right side out.
Trim the corners being careful not to cut your stitches. This will help the corners from being too bulky. Turn the project right side out. Use a turning tool or knitting needle to help push out the corners and make them nice and square. Turn the opening under and press.
Top stitch close to the edge all the way around being sure to close the opening.
Center the large piece of felt in the middle of the book and stitch. Remember to stitch forward and back at the beginning and end to secure your sewing.
Fold your needle book along the center stitched line and press. Line up where your button should be placed and hand sew on. Cut the felt closure strip to size and cut a slit for a button hole. You're finished except to fill it with your needles and pins. I like to carry a few safety pins as well. They always seem to come in handy.
The pocket is a great place to tuck some thread and a band aid.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Simple Woman's Day Book

FOR TODAY ~ Tuesday, May 18th
Outside my window...The sun is shinning and the birds are busy at the feeder and the chickens are pecking in the grass.
I am thinking... How much I love the quiet mornings when I can grab a cup of coffee and a few peaceful moments to myself to pray and organize my day!
I am thankful for... For everyday! Kelly, a dear young lady I knew via The Wellness Tree blog, recently passed away leaving her husband and soon to be two year old son. It makes one realize how precious every day is. I am going to focus on the small stuff ~ the joy, smiles and laughter found in the simple moments of my day with my children and husband. We often forget how precious and short those moments can be.
From the learning rooms...preparing for he end of year. This year we are going to take end of year test instead of having a portfolio evaluation. Something new and a little daunting for the girls, but I know they will shine.
From the kitchen...Whole wheat burger buns, tortillas, pumpkin coffee cake and hot pretzels.
I am wearing... My favorite white blouse, my long denim skirt, and my favorite floral apron, my uniform of sorts.
I am creating...Wool felt eggs, a dress/shirt for Sarah and cloth feminine pads. And I need to get to work on designing curtains for the kitchen and the bath.
I am going... to slow down this week. Hannah will be out for sewing class and we are headed to friends for the afternoon and dinner later in the week. Other than that we will be homebodies.
I am reading... or thumbing through would be a better way of putting it: One Yard wonders, Weekend Sewing and Weekend Knitting - lovely inspiration!
I am hoping... That the fact that Rebekah slept through the night last night wasn't a fluke, but the start of something wonderful.
I am hearing...Nothing but the songs of the birds outside and the rhythmic breathing of my little one still asleep. Beautiful, peaceful quiet!
Around the house...Tackling my desk. It needs a good hulling out!
One of my favorite things... Knitting. There is something so relaxing, so meditative about the whole process of knitting. The rhythm of the needles. The feel of the natural fibers. The sense of making something useful and beautiful.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Craft, Cook, Garden and Read!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Take a peak into the lives of other simple wonderful woman at this Tuesdays edition of the Simple Woman's Daybook.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Menu Plan ~ Week of May 17th

Breakfast: Yogurt and Maple Almond Granola
Lunch: Ham Salad Pita Pockets, Cucumber Sticks
Dinner: Cheesy Bow Tie Pasta with Peas and Ham French Bread
Breakfast: Poached Eggs and Oatmeal Wheat Toast
Lunch: Roasted Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Dinner: Spaghetti, Bread, and Salad
Breakfast: Green Smoothies
Lunch: Tuna Pita Pockets, Apple Wedges
Dinner: Sloppy Lentils, Green Beans, and Watermellon
Breakfast: Blueberry Pancakes
Lunch: Mac and Cheese, Broccoli
Dinner: We are headed to a friend's house!
Breakfast: Pumpkin Coffee Cake
Lunch: Egg Salad on Burger Buns, Carrot Sticks
Dinner: Enchilada Bake, Salad
Breakfast: Left over Coffee Cake or Cereal
Lunch: Hot Dogs, Chips, Pickles
Dinner: Haddock with Spinach and Tomatoes, Brown Rice
Breakfast: French Toast and Bacon
Lunch: Leftovers
Dinner: BBQ Chicken, Pasta Salad, and Corn Bread
Almond Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies
~2 1/2 cups oats (processed in a blended or food processor until small pieces, but not flour)
~1/2 cup butter
~1/2 cup coconut oil
~1 cup brown sugar
~1 cup evaporated cane juice crystals
~2 eggs
~1 tsp vanilla
~1 cup wheat flour
~1 cup all purpose flour
~1 tsp baking powder
~1 tsp baking soda
~1 cup shredded coconut
~1 cup almonds, chopped
~1-2 cups chocolate chips (we like dark)
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
In the bowl of your mixer, cream together the butter and coconut oil. Add sugars and beat until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs and vanilla.
Mix all the dry ingredients together and then gradually add to the creamed mixture. When combined add the coconut, almonds, and chocolate.
Roll dough into balls and place on a cookie sheet. Bake in a preheated oven for 6 minutes. Then flatten cookies with a spatula and bake for another 5 minutes.
Remove from oven and allow to cool on pan for 2 minutes before moving cookies to a wire rack to cool completely.
This recipe makes a ton of cookies! And boy were they delicious. The recipe can be found in its original form at Tropical Traditions. And if you are looking for more healthy recipes containing coconut oil they've got them. There are a ton I can't wait to try.
Friday, May 14, 2010
{this moment}
In gratitude this week for:
- adult friends of my children - multi-generational relationships are so important
- opportunities to explore the beautiful and amazing world God created for us
- a husband who works so hard to provide for his family
- children who continue to amaze and teach me
Wishing all of you a glorious weekend!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Spring Birding
We were blessed to have two a Sarah's birding friends, Dixie and Lisa, join us. They are both such a wealth of information. Not to mention they brought the spotting scope and bird calls. The spotting scope brings the birds up close and personal, especially exciting for a new birder. At one point we had the scope on a Baltimore Oriel nest and saw the mama and papa flying in and out of it. Too cool! Thanks Dixie and Lisa!
Here is one of the many Oriels we saw. They are beautiful birds! The orange and black is so vibrant, especially this time of year when the male is trying to attract his mate.
We saw a lot of Eastern Kingbirds. This is a male with his black head and white tipped tail.