Friday, April 8, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual inspired by Amanda, aka Soule Mama. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.


In gratitude this week for:

The start of Soul Restoration

New Homeschool Curriculum to Read

Sunny Days (even if the nights are cold and the snow hasn't melted yet)


Wishing you all a glorious weekend!


  1. That picture completely sums up the first time I got my ears pierced!

    Happy Friday :)

  2. What a ritual! My youngest had her ears pierced two years ago...glad they are all done:)

  3. amen to simplicity! my eldest daughter had her ears pierced on her last birthday (9th) and now the youngest daughter is anxiously awaiting and dreading her 9th bday - she wants earrings but is afraid ;-) it's definitely a rite of passage!

  4. I just experienced this - well something like it - with my oldest (18) who had her nose pierced. And in a few weeks, we'll be repeating it with our 5th when she gets her ears pierced for her 6th birthday.

    Visiting this morning from SouleMama. Here's a link to our moment::

  5. What an exciting moment! Great idea to catch it on camera.

    Here's mine, a father-son moment:

    Kelly @ Creating a Family Home

  6. OH! It gave me chills!! I hate getting my ears pierced!

  7. ouch! How brave! Great idea to document this. I hope she takes good care of them! Here's our moment this week

  8. My first job was in a store that did ear piercings, I remember clearly the first girl who's ears I pierced. I messed up, and she bled. I felt awful!! I'm sure your little one's experience was a great one, and I hope she is relishing this rite of passage.

    I'm super excited about my chamomile, I hope it works out well for your family too!!



Thanks for stopping by for a visit! I look forward to your thoughts.