Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Day at the Alpaca Farm

This weekend was National Alpaca Farm Day. We are lucky enough to have a new alpaca farm not even ten minutes down the road. The girls were so excited to go visit the alpacas. The farm is small and just getting started, but another a local alpaca farmer brought quite a few of their alpacas down to visit.

I don't know much about alpacas, but boy were these guys cute and friendly. They did look a little silly with their hair cuts. And a few of them did spit.

This little baby was only about a week old. He was happy to stay with his mama. Rebekah thought it was funny that he wore a purple coat.

We were able to feed the alpacas, but Rebekah wasn't too sure about this furry face.

She much preferred this little brown one. He was smaller than her and oh so friendly. I could have taken him home. I can just imagine the wonderful yarn one could spin from his fleece and all the wonderful knitting that would follow.

And this guy just made me smile. You just have to love that face.

1 comment:

  1. I love alpacas! they look so sweet and innocent with those big eyes!


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