FOR TODAY Monday, May 18th. . .
Outside my window...
there is a Ruby Throated Hummingbird having his breakfast.
I am thinking...
about all we have planned this week.
I am thankful for...
Spring - the amazing rebirth of the world after the long winter always rejuvenates me. It forever reminds me of the resurrection of our savior
From the learning rooms...
we are headed to the frog pond for an adventure lead by Tin Mountain. Continuing to work on the girls science fair projects. It is time to start putting the finishing touches on them.
From the kitchen...today, not much. My lovely daughter, Sarah, is in charge of dinner and we are packing a picnic lunch
I am wearing...
my favorite denim skirt with grey leggings, purple fleece sock, white t-shirt and purple fleece pullover, my mud boots are waiting by the door.
I am creating...
felt spring flower fairies for the nature table
I am going...
to try and be a more Godly woman. Starting with the small stuff, because if I can't do what HE has called me to everyday, how can HE call me to do something more?
I am reading...
I Love Dirt by Jennifer Ward
Clean Home, Clean Planet by Karen Logan
Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola
I am hoping...
Rebekah stays asleep just a little while longer, and that all the stuffy little noses are gone when they all wake up.
I am hearing...
the cheep-cheep of our 19 week old chickens
Around the house...
the kitchen table is covered with plants just waiting to be planted in the garden when the weather warms up a bit, the chicken coop is almost finished, and I really need to go to the dump and mop the kitchen floor!
One of my favorite things...
is sneaking out to weed my garden with a cup of coffee before anyone else is awake. I find this so relaxing and it is productive too!
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Music Class and Karate on Wednesday, to the farm to pick up milk and yogurt on Thursday, Canoeing in the Bog on Saturday
**finish decluttering my desk**
***change over the girls' clothes from winter to spring/summer***
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Many hand make light work!
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