A few nights ago I was chatting with a few friends. Somewhere in the conversation a few of the blogs we like to visit snuck in. I found it interesting how we each responded to the blogs. We all loved them, but they invoked a very different feeling for each of us. I find them inspiring. Others found them intimidating, making them feel like they aren't good enough. And still others seemed indifferent.
I learned a long time ago not to compare myself to others, whether in real or cyber life. I know this can be hard for some. It helps me to remember that we only see what someone wants us to see. That we don't get the whole picture of their lives. And that in reality it is only our own life and that of our family that should really matter to us. The needs and desires of our own families should be what dictates our days, nothing else. Not the world. Not some other family's life.
So why join on line groups and follow blogs. The community, the support, the inspiration is incredible. I don't know a blogger out there who's intention it is to make someone feel bad. Most of them would tell you they don't feel they deserve the following they have.
So why do we blog? There are as many reasons as there are bloggers. Some of us want a place to record our family's daily lives, some of us want a place to express our creativity, some of us want a place to keep in touch with family and friends, some of us need a way to organize thoughts, some of us see it as a ministry. But none of us do it all!!!
Did you hear that? None of us do it all. The hardest thing to remember as one hops from blog to blog is that not everyone is doing everything. I find the blogs all seem to blend together and at times it seems like everyone knits from yarn they spun themselves, sews, gardens, cooks and bakes from scratch, writes books, has a successful business, has eight kids and a ton of farm animals, and is a professional photographer. NOT! Remember sometimes less really is more.
We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Thanks for the reminder Sonja! And how we choose those hours is up to us. Now granite some of us organize our hours better. And some of us steel a few more moments because we don't need as much sleep. But when it is all said and done, we all get the same 24 hours.
So the next time you are visiting a blog, remember that the writer doesn't do it all. And that behind the beautiful photos and the inspiring words there are things they wish they could do that you do. And they are wondering how to fit it in as well.
So be inspired! Take what you can and leave what doesn't work for you. This life we live is a journey, we are always growing, learning, exploring. So remember to look to the blogging community as an inspiration and a resource and not as a mirror by which you should be judged.
Happy blogging and living!
And if you are so inspired I'd love to hear your tips on avoiding blogger envy or how you organize your day to get the most out of it.