- Snow, even if it did come the day AFTER Christmas
- celebrating the birth of our Saviour with family and friends
- quiet days at home
- knitting
Wishing you all a glorious weekend!
Home is where my heart is! Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman for my God, my husband, and my children.
Wishing you all a glorious weekend!
These socks were such a fun project. I have never knit children's socks before. Boy was that silly of me. They are so quick and easy. This pair knit up in two day! The intention was to have them done in time for Boo's birthday in January, I really thought it might take me that long. Well Boo is very particular about how her socks fit so I had to try them on her as I was knitting and now they are hers, way before her birthday I might add. She loves them but wants a GREEN pair. These are green you say - so did I, to which I was told in such a serious voice "don't you see the yellow, red and blue mom? I want PLAIN GREEN. So guess what I will be knitting for her birthday.
A quick wash cloth to accompany some handmade beauty products.
Wishing you all a glorious weekend!
I'm still working on the yellow sweater. The back on left front are finished! Hurray! Just the right front and the sleeves. It may be finished in time to be wrapped under the tree.
I've also cast on the scarf. A simple pattern with a wavy pattern. Hopefully it will be a quick knit and find its way under the tree for a special someone. Sorry the photo isn't very good. The yarn is Plymouth Kudo in shades of blue and green, really quite lovely.
As for the reading, we are still digging through the Christmas book basket. The girls picked out one of my favorites, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. And I am trying to spend a little time reading The Christmas Tree, the story of the Rockefeller Center tree.
Don't forget to hope over to Ginny's blog and see all the lovely projects and wonderful book suggestions.
It was cold as we headed out into the field. Everyone was a little sad that there wasn't any snow. We were a little late getting our tree this year and the pickings seemed a little slim. We had a hard time agreeing on the tree we would bring home. Sarah wanted a tall tree. Hannah wanted a small yet plump tree. Rebekah wanted them all! Papa was patient as we ran back and forth looking at each tree not once but many times.
Wishing you all a glorious weekend!
Balling the yarn to finish the yellow sweater. A few skeins waiting to be balled for a couple more Christmas projects.
A wet felted candle in a birch holder. These were fun to make. I even got out the power tools myself! We are thinking of making more to hang on the tree. Just need to dye some more yellow roving or find some locally. I really need a sheep or two. Ok not a need, but wouldn't it be fun?
Wishing you all a glorious weekend!
Our version was so easy to make with items we had around the house. Brown lunch sacks, scrap booking paper, number stamps and some ribbon.
Each morning at breakfast we take down the appropriate bag. Inside is a slip of paper with a fun Christmas activity to do as a family. Some of them are traditions like cutting down the Christmas tree while other are new crafts or recipes to make. There are even a few simple treats like a Christmas book or Christmas movie and popcorn. Those I tried to put in the days I already new we had other commitments.
I'm hoping our activity countdown will help us stay more focused on the true meaning of Christmas. That we will slow down to enjoy each others company. And of course the planner in me saw a neat way to spread out some of our Christmas activities instead of waiting until the week before Christmas to tackle them.
How are you counting down the days and preparing for the season. I'd love to hear.
We have started reading Jotham's Journey. This is a advent story that the children and I read every few years. They really enjoy it and some day I hope to get the others by the same author so we can read them in a yearly rotation.
Stop by Ginny's blog, Small Thing to see what others are knitting and reading. It is so much fun to see the beautiful projects and watch your reading wish list grow.
Wishing you all a glorious weekend!
My next problem is the complexity of the pattern. Now please note I know this is probably simple for most, but I only taught myself to knit about 15 months ago. The pattern just has a lot going on at the same time - waist shaping, tucks, neck and arm hole shaping all happen simultaneously. I had to go out and pick up a few row counters in different colors so I could try and keep track. I have finished the first tuck and so far so good. I am really hoping to finish the sweater in time. Oh and I don't even want to think about the other knitted items on my list . . . I think I can, I think I can.
Needles to say my reading for the week has been this sweater pattern. That counts, doesn't it? Of course there was school reading with the girls and bedtime stories for the little one, but that doesn't really count.
Wishing you all a glorious weekend!
I finished up the sweater I was working on last week and have cast on the fourth Christmas sweater - yeah! I just might get them all finished. Of course I made the mistake of saving the hardest for last. This yellow sweater will be beautiful if I can figure it out. However, knitting an adult size sweater with lace weight yarn and using a pattern that has one keeping track of three different steps at the same time may have me pulling my hair out before it is done. Luckily we have a fabulous new yarn shop in town that I know will come to my rescue if I get stuck.
Wishing you all a glorious weekend!
Cheesy Pasta and Broccoli Bake
Cook macaroni as directed on package, add broccoli when there is about two minutes left. Drain. To pasta and broccoli add 2 cups shredded cheese, milk, 1/2 cup parmigiano, onion, eggs and seasonings. Pour into a buttered 9x13" baking dish. Sprinkle with the reaming cheeses. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 40 minutes. Let stand for 10 minutes before serving.
So what are you serving for lunch? We love to hear and if you have a link to a recipe please share.
As for my needles, this is one of the sweaters I am making for a special someone for Christmas. That is all I can say, as I don't want to spoil the surprise. I do have a few other projects in the works as well. Seems that one knitting project is no longer enough. When knitting a sweater or other large project I need to have a small project going that gives me that sense of finishing something. Anyone else feel this way?